In 1962, a French manufacturer of miniature airplanes, René Guillet, who also made soft plastic figures that were given away with a well-known brand of coffee (Mokarex), contacted Eugène Leliepvre, official painter of the French army and a wonderful miniaturist. This is how the brand of HIstorex figures was born, which creates a huge collection of figures in the form of a plastic kit of the Napoleonic armies. The birth of Historex represents a true revolution in the world of military miniatures. Creating thousands of precision parts allowed miniaturists an almost infinite number of possibilities to build their own figures.

I am passionate about Historex figures. They still seem magical to me. Nowadays the less quality pieces (heads and hands) can be replaced by others made of resin and the result is phenomenal.

A curiosity: the color guides for painting the figures are Leliepvre's extraordinary watercolors. Here we reproduce some. I remember that I bought my first Historex figure in a model shop near the port of Alicante. At that time I was sailing in the Merchant Navy and visits to the model shops that were in the different ports were mandatory.

Historex Usual Exploded View
Historex Usual Exploded View
French Dragons in the Town of Antequera 1811
French Dragons in the Town of Antequera 1811
French Dragons in the Town of Antequera 1811
French Dragons in the Town of Antequera 1811
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
French Dragons Plundering the Villa of Archidona 1810
Brigadier General of the Southern Army
Brigadier General of the Southern Army

In Construction

Historex. Collector's Guide
Historex. Collector's Guide
Guard Artillery 1805-1815
Guard Artillery 1805-1815
Black Watch (42nd Regiment)
Black Watch (42nd Regiment)
Carabinieri 1804-1815
Carabinieri 1804-1815
Line Dragons 1804-1812
Line Dragons 1804-1812
Dragons on Foot
Dragons on Foot
Imperial Guard 1804-1812
Imperial Guard 1804-1812
Marines of the Guard 1808-1815
Marines of the Guard 1808-1815
Flag Bearer and Senior Officer
Flag Bearer and Senior Officer
French Officer of the Southern Army
French Officer of the Southern Army

My First Historex Figure, 1990

French Officer of the Southern Army
French Officer of the Southern Army

My First Historex Figure, 1990

French Officer of the Southern Army
French Officer of the Southern Army

My First Historex Figure, 1990

Polish Officers of the Vistula Legion. Antequera 1810
Polish Officers of the Vistula Legion. Antequera 1810
Polish Officers of the Vistula Legion. Antequera 1810
Polish Officers of the Vistula Legion. Antequera 1810
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